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This noble eau-de-vie originating from France continues to charm palates worldwide, thanks to the tireless dedication of the Musketeers of Armagnac. These ambassadors of French excellence, true guardians of traditions and ancestral craftsmanship, are committed to promoting Armagnac beyond French borders.

The Ambassadors of Armagnac Each year, these emissaries of good taste organize annual chapters in prestigious locations around the world, from Belgium to the United States, including Italy, Sicily, Senegal, and many other destinations. Their mission? To introduce and make Armagnac, a gem of French gastronomy, appreciated by an increasingly curious and discerning international audience. Their mission is supported by a coalition of enthusiasts and experts, including the Gascon chefs of the Round of Musketeers, the Knights of the Flame, the Legendary Crus of Bas-Armagnac, the French Armagnac Club, as well as various women's and export clubs. Together, they form a united front for the promotion of Armagnac on the global stage.

Ambassadors of Vintage Armagnac During official trips abroad, French delegations never fail to pack bottles of vintage Armagnac, highly esteemed gifts appreciated by heads of state that subtly reveal their year of origin. This tradition even allowed journalists to deduce the age of Russian President Vladimir Putin, thanks to a Castarède Armagnac vintage (Château de Maniban) strategically placed in his room.

A Franco-Russian Symbol of Elite Russia, captivated by the elegance and depth of Armagnac, has seen several of its illustrious citizens inducted into the Musketeers' Brotherhood, a testament to the growing enthusiasm for this exceptional eau-de-vie. Among the newly honored members are Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, perpetual secretary of the French Academy and a historian specializing in Russia, sadly deceased in August 2023, as well as Mikhail Boyarsky, a prominent Russian actor and iconic interpreter of D'Artagnan. Their membership underscores the universal appeal of Armagnac and confirms its status as a jewel of French culture and gastronomy, now celebrated around the globe.

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